Pixel People is a city-building simulation game available for the Android platform. It allows users to create and manage a unique society populated by Pixel ...
評分 3/10 (5) · 免費 · Android A city-building game with a difference. The main aim of Pixel People is to build up your utopian city by 'splicing' clones that come from the mothership.
評分 5.0 (1) · 免費 · Android Pixel People is a strategy and social management game where you have to build a city in the middle of space, with its own roads, houses, town hall, ...
評分 4.7 (5,163) · 免費 · Android Create more than 300 different Pixel People, find secret bonuses and minigames inside your buildings drawn in distinct pixelated art style.
評分 1/10 (1) You can create 150 different Pixel People, find secret bonuses and minigames inside your buildings drawn in distinct pixelated art style, and move and customize ...